Tuesday, April 29, 2008

House from the pier

This is a picture of our house from the dock with the 2 wiener dogs afraid to venture onto it.

First Fishing on the pier

I had the privilege of being the first to cast a line from the newly installed dock.  Didn't catch anything but lots of carp were jumping all over the bay.

Dock Install

9 days ago, our son, Bob, bribed 2 of his friends to come and help install our pier with mom's homemade pizza.  It didn't take long to find out that pier parts were missing and nothing would happen that day except getting a free meal!  Today, the veteran pier installer came, Chuck.  He gave us a list of parts needed and Ed and I went to Fleet Farm, bought them and rushed back. Chuck eventually returned and installed the new parts and pier single handedly!  He was here all afternoon and charged $75-pretty cheap I'd say.

Monday, April 28, 2008


Everyday this little chipmonk, who lives in a hole in our back porch, comes out and "asks" for a hand-out.  He sits there and chirps until Ed gives him a peanut or sunflower seed.  It drives our dog, Bean, nuts.  She wants to chomp on that little Willie in the worst way!

Maple Syrup

Our grandson, Grant, from Indianapolis, visited with us a few weeks and a lady from our church invited us to her farm to see first hand the maple syrup operation.  This is Grant and Maria, two of our grandkids in front of the finished product.

First Fishing on Lake DuBay

This is the reason we moved to Wisconsin.  It may be cold here ALOT but the beauty is unsurpassed.  This is Ed's first attempt at fishing.  His lure got caught in a tree so that was the end of that!

John Deere

Aren't retired people suppose to buy maintenance free condos?  Well, we forgot that rule and bought a place on Lake DuBay on 2 acres, most of which needs to be mowed!  The solution is in the picture.

Sajdak History

In 1997 we moved away from Wisconsin in a quest for better weather.  In 11 years we forgot why we left and moved back.  We were reminded why today, April 28.  It snowed all day here!

This is a picture of our house and boat garage on Lake DuBay in Wisconsin today.

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Today, April 24, 2008, I start my blog and was encouraged to do so by my daughter-in-law, Betsy Sajdak.  I've enjoyed hers so much and decided it is a good way to let people know what is going on in my life.  Hope everyone enjoys it!