Our grandson Grant is here from Indy and said he had 2 things at the top of his list: a campfire and going for a boat ride. Both have been accomplished and he is a happy camper!
I have joined a quilting group in Stevens Point and this is a picture of our wonderful teacher, Margaret. She has made me feel so welcome and so have all the other ladies. I am currently working on a strip quilt made of scraps all cut already by Marvelous Margaret!
Ben was 3 on Friday. He had a spiderman themed party, but also got batman jammies. We celebrated with food, cake, ice cream and a trip to the park which all 3 grankids love.
My brother Dave, his wife Barb, Ed and I drove up to northern WI to visit my mom who will be 92 soon and my sister, Jeanne. We had a great visit. I asked Barb who is an excellent crocheter to help me make a Spiderman aphgan but she took over the task since I had only 2 days to get r done for a grandson's birthday. It turned out pretty nice!
We moved back to WI in November, 2008 and are doing this blog so people can see what is going on in our new life on Lake DuBay. God provided us with a beautiful piece of nature-lake, woods, garden, wildlife-it's exciting to wake up here everyday and see firsthand what God created.