Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Decorated Weiners

Maria, our granddaughter, decorated our 2 weiner dogs for her dad's 34th birthday.

First watermelon

Picked the first watermelon I ever grew in the garden.  The grandkids helped eat it.

Birthday boy

Ed and I helped our youngest son Bob celebrate his 34th birthday.  After we had a big 4 man hug.

Trip to visit Mom

Left Ed a week and went to northern WI to visit my mom in the Spooner Nursing home.  Shown are myself and an old friend Joyce Ginsel whom I haven't seen in 20 years or so.  She and her husband gave me a ride from Rice Lake to Spooner.  I got a ride to Rice Lake from a gal from our church in Wausau and knew Joyce attended Rice Lake so called her and asked about a ride 1/2 hour up the road and she graciously offered to take me!  My mom and I are in the next picture singing songs at the Bible Study in the nursing home. I think we were the only ones singing!  The last picture of the big guy was someone at the nursing home who looked just like my brother Dave.  Every time mom saw him she would say "There goes Dave."

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Record Northern

Sept 3 Ed caught the biggest Northern Pike of his life on an ultra lite rod.  It is almost 36".  He was by himself and had to reel it in and net it himself.  He was just a little excited.

Labor Day

Went to Milwaukee for Aunt Mary and Aunt Nancy's Labor Day party-they are shown in the pictures getting the food ready.


Carm, Ed's mom, stayed a week with us and her last night we had a campfire and roasted marshmellows.


We picked all the apples off the 2 apple trees and made apple juice.  The grandkids enjoyed them too!


Our friends from CA and Idaho came visiting.  They had already driven 8000 miles!  The 2 in the middle are sisters:  Sadie and Louise.  Sam and John are the husbands.

Winter project

We had 2 full cords of wood delivered.  Ed and I built a frame first and it took us about 3 hours to stack all the wood in it...we were a little tired after that.

Garden tomatoes

First tomatoes and first tomato salad of the season


This is a bushel of peaches after a half day of work canning them-a thing of beauty!

Carrot cake

I baked this carrot cake from scratch using carrots from my garden-now aren't you impressed!  It was Jen's birthday-my daughter-in-law.

High school friend

My friend from grade and high school came a visiting, Nancy. We took a boat ride up the little Eau Pleine River and tried to I.D everyone in our 5th grade class-we remembered about half of the 50 kids in our class.

The Fair

Attended the Marathon county fair where there were alot of cows-this is Wisconsin you know!  Shown are Ed and I and our son, Bob, and wife, Jen.