Thursday, April 9, 2009

Jeff and Ed Repair the Fence

Jeff, our son, lost part of his fence in a windstorm, so while we were there we helped him do repairs.  He is a very appreciative son and we love him alot.

Indianapolis-Jeff and Betsy's

On the way down and on the way back to Florida we stopped at Jeff and Betsy's house.  (Our oldest son).  Jeff is seen with a major award from US Customs and I am seen with a dozen roses given me by my son and thoughtful wife, Betsy.  

Georgia Aquarium

We toured the Georgia Aquarium while in Atlanta and it is one of the largest in the world.  The tanks are huge.  You can see sea horses in the one photo

World of Coke

Atlanta is Coke headquarters and we went to tour World of Coke while there.  The Norman Rockwell painting is worth several million dollars and there are about 3 missing, so start looking and when you find one, call Coke!  This museum is filled with thousands of Coke memorabilia items.


We stayed with Ed's cousin Tomi Rose and her husband, Doug in Atlanta, Georgia on the way down to Florida.  Talk about southern hospitality!  They have a beautiful home and made us feel unbelievably welcome!  Thanks, Tomi and Doug!  Shown also is Aunt Mickey who is in assisted living in Atlanta.

Florida 2009

These are a few photos from our trip to Florida.  We drove and met Bob, Jen and family down there.  Bob rents a complete home south of Orlando for everyone-nice kid, eh?  It was 85 degrees the whole week and we enjoyed just sitting in the sun.  Bob, Jen and I went to the animal park at Disney world.  It is quite fabulous and yes, I did go on Everest, the roller coaster-once!

Grant Making Granola

I took care of our grandson Grant for a week of his spring break and we did alot of things, like making granola.   He loved getting his hands all yucky!  Besides that, the granola turned out great.

Maria Bella's 6th Birthday

Granddaughter Maria had her 6th birthday party.  The dress was from Auntie Jeanne and me and it is just the right size!  Maria had a cake made out of cupcakes altogether with frosting connecting them all.

Joy's Birthday

It was a pretty special birthday for me this year.  Ed and I won a $20 gift certificate to the restaurant 2510, we had a cheap date accompanied by our son Bob, Jen and kids.  Afterward we went to Bob and Jen's home where Jen had made a very tasty German choc cake for me!  Yummy.